[Hack_EN] Wichtig: Freifunk in der Jahnhalle

Pleschke, Jan jan at jan.li
Do Okt 8 09:45:20 CEST 2015

Hello Guys and Girl,

one of my teammates promised to work tomorrow afternoon, so I plan to leave
my office at about 12 o´clock. I´ll just change my dress, because no one
likes to see me staying on the ledder wearing my suit. I think i´ll be
there at Jahnhalle on 12.30

I´ll take my notebook and a lan cable tester tool with me. Do we need
anthing else ?

Regards Jan

 Jan Pleschke
 Tel. 02302-2025818

2015-10-04 23:52 GMT+02:00 Christoph Haas <ch at dorsia.de>:

> Hallo zusammen,
> da ich Anas im cc: habe, ist der Rest der Mail auf Englisch. Bitte lest
> die Mail genau durch, da ich unten verschieden Aufgaben and Euch verteile.
> Danke!
> ——
> Dear all,
> I have just ordered a huge part of the gear we need for improving our
> setup at the refugee shelter. As I ordered via Amazon and used my Prime
> option at checkout, the parts should arrive Tuesday, Wednesday at the
> latest. Some parts (especially the outdoot network cable) were not
> available for immediate delivery via Amazon, hence I ordered the for
> standard delivery and hope they will show up in time for our installation
> project.
> Speaking of the installation: I would love to setup everything beginning
> on Friday morning, at least for those parts that need external support.
> Work will most probably have to continue on Saturday, as I am not shure if
> we will really be able to finish all the work on a single day. I have to
> leave around 1pm on Friday and would like to hand over the lead to someone
> else. Any volunteers? Andreas A.? Jan?
> *Andreas H. and Astrid*: Could you arrange for an electrician to help us
> wire up the routers inside the small gym (kleine Jahnhalle) and install
> some electrical sockets? Maybe we need some holes drilled into a couple of
> walls, so they should be prepared for that, too. The electrician should be
> there on Friday morning at around 9am, if possible.
> *Andreas H. and Astrid*: Could you also ask someone to help us with a
> skylift (Hubsteiger) on Friday? We need it to install the outdoor cables
> for the link between the small and the large gym. I am not sure if the the
> skylift can reach the roof on the back of the large gym for the
> installation of the two CPE 210, as there is no way for a truck to reach
> that location (as far as I remember). Can you come up with a solution for
> this problem? Maybe we can lend a mobile elevation platform of some sort,
> which is small enough to be setup in the backyard next to the basketball
> court. Maybe we even must resort to a ladder…
> *Astrid: *You seem to know the folks from the tennis club. Could you
> discuss the need for the installation of an electrical socket in the so
> called „Glasraum“ (the little storage closet in the first floor of the
> Matchball restaurant)? It would be great if the electrician could help us
> here, too.
> *Jan: *Please send me the expected time of arrival for the Picostation
> and the three CPE 210. If the parts don’t show up on Friday (Saturday at
> the latest), we have to cancel the installation for this week and
> reschedule for next week.
> *Hannes and Willy:* I hope you two are good at woodwork. We need to build
> a little contraption to mount the CPE 210 in the little glass-room to. I
> will bring my tools and some wood with me. Do you feel up to this task?
> Later on Friday, I need you to uninstall the 841 in the tennis court and to
> set everything up in the new location in the glass-room. See above for the
> wall outlet we need. Remember that we can install our stuff only in the
> afternoon, but maybe Willy can start designing a stand for the router in
> the morning...
> *Andreas A.: *Could you also be there to help me coordinate the different
> work packages and act as my backup? And maybe you could introduce Anas to
> the black art of flashing our routers with our custom firmware and tell him
> about the way our network works (supernodes, GRE-tunnels, backbone etc.) I
> will also try to help, but I guess I will have to coordinate all the folks
> that will help us.
> As soon as I know if and when the gear we ordered will show up, I will try
> to come up with a more detailed plan that will also include a first
> estimate of the times we will try to start each work package.
> All right, if I forgot about anything, please let me know. Also give me a
> short notice if you can or can not help us on Friday or Saturday.
> Thanks and all the best,
> Christoph
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